Donnerstag, 18. August 2011

Rote Grutze Recipe (Rote Grütze Rezept)

Rote Grütze is a very simple but also very delicious German dessert and one of my favourites, since it's not all too sweet and has lots of fruits in it.
Pictures this time are a little blurry, sorry.

Rote Grütze for 5 (150kcal/portion)

1000g (1kg) frozen berries mix (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
400ml water
100g sugar
3tbsp starch
3tbsp water

1. Put starch in a bowl and add the 3tbsp water. Stir until the starch has dissolved. Don't wonder, it keeps a milky white liquid.

2. In a big pot, heat the water on medium heat. Add the sugar and bring to boil. Slowly add the starch mix and stir until the liquid thickens.
3. Add the frozen berries. Stir and boil up shortly, then take from the cooking plate.

4. Put the mix into a bowl. Fill a bigger bowl with icy water and place the smaller bowl inside. Keep stirring while the berries are cooling off.

5. In the end just arrange in crystal cups and put on vanilla sauce, ice cream or enjoy the way it is.
6. Guten Appetit!

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