Montag, 14. November 2011

Tortillas with Huevos Rancheros Recipe [Tortillas mit Huevos Ranchos Rezept]

This one is actually very easy AND delicious. I guess, it's a good morning dish, too.

Tortillas with Huevos Rancheros for 4(530kcal / serving):

4 tortillas
8 eggs (you can also take one per serving)
400 tomatoes
1/2 onion
4tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper to your taste
you need a food processor ... if you don't have one, take processed tomatoes out of a can

1. Peel the onion and chop. Wash the tomatoes. Remove stem, cut in pieces and then purée in the food processor.
2. In a pan, bring olive oil to medium heat. Add onions and fry until lucent. Add the tomatoes.
3. Close the pan with a lit and let simmer over low heat for ca. 10 minutes.
4. Add chili sauce, salt and pepper to your taste, then take off the cooker.
5. Now you need another pan with lit, big enough to fit one tortilla. Place a tortilla in the pan over medium heat. Spread a bit of salsa ranchera on it and crack to eggs over it. Add a little salt and pepper, then close the lit and let cook until the eggs are done to your taste.
6. Arrange on a plate and done!

¡buen provecho!

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